Workplace Wellbeing Programs
Do your team members seem stressed, disconnected, closed, or disengaged?
The pandemic, disruptions and uncertainties have negatively impacted everyone’s mental health in various ways. Maybe your team went through a change that left everyone walking on eggshells.
You want your team to be open, more connected, and engaged. But how can you help shift their emotional undercurrents?
You may be considering a team-building or soft skills training solution such as emotional intelligence. While these skills can be very helpful, they don’t address the underlying reason why people suffer emotionally and have low wellbeing.
What causes people to remain longer than usual in lower emotions is that they’re disconnected from themselves and others. And it’s not always easy to notice when you’re disconnected.
The key skill of emotional wellbeing is emotional awareness.
I discovered this secret when my mentor coach started a pilot Wellbeing Circle in March 2020 for coaches via Zoom— by pure coincidence, right when the pandemic anxiety and fear struck the world. After sharing our emotions with each other every week, my coach asked us to take the Wellbeing Circle model out to our communities to spread emotional wellbeing.
As President-Elect of the Northern Nevada Human Resources Association, I offered the Wellbeing Circle to the Board members. The Circle continued to meet every week for over a year. Many of our meetings ended with group emails sent about how grateful and supported they felt.
Then I offered Wellbeing Circles to other groups and companies, after which participants reported even more benefits they received from the experience.
“The Wellbeing Circle is beneficial for me, and I believe for others in the group, to hear each other out and be in a safe space. It showed me I wasn't alone in my feelings and reactions to current events and workplace issues. I love all the tools provided to practice during the circle but also for other times.”
— Carrie Hoerning, Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist, DISH Network
Workplace Wellbeing Programs
Workplace Wellbeing Programs are customized packages for teams and groups that include one or more of the following:
Wellbeing Circles
Individual Emotional Wellbeing Coaching
5 Steps to Emotional Wellbeing & Resilience Training
Results participants report include:
Feeling heard and valued / Practicing greater empathy
Ability to deal with struggles that seem out of control
Higher emotional awareness
Feeling more connected to colleagues
Importance of taking time for emotional wellbeing